Home » » Cara Menkoneksikan IDM CC dengan Firefox

Cara Menkoneksikan IDM CC dengan Firefox

Posted by Kupisanger on Monday, October 27, 2014

Pertama-tama download terlebih dahulu file IDM cc nya di link di bawah ini.
Versinya akan selalu di update sesuai dengan update firefox terbarunya.

Compatible dengan Firefox 33 beta, Firefox 32, 31 and older versions. IDM cc version: IDM CC 7.3.87
MD5 checksum: 1cb3903242ecd9bd6ab4216c67a9c3d8

Apa yang baru dari versi IDM cc ini ?

Adanya perbaikan untuk Panel download di Situs Youtube.com dan Video Streaming.

Cara Instalasi / Updatenya

It only requires a few mouse clicks (keystrokes if you are a nerd) to install or update the addon. Just follow the steps below.
  1. Click the "Install" button above
  2. Firefox will prompt you to install the Firefox addon.
  3. Click "Allow" to this web site to install the addon in your browser
  4. Don't worry - it's simply safe and only provides IDM integration to your buddy.
  5. Keep looking at the progress bar
  6. While your browser is downloading the addon, look at this beautiful Firefox Cup Cake!
  7. Click the "Install Now" button
  8. You will probably need to wait a few seconds until the "Install Now" button to activate.
  9. Restart Firefox
  10. Make sure you have finished all your work and click the Restart button. This will restart Firefox (duh) with the latest version of IDM cc addon installed.
  11. That's it!
  12. Go to Firefox > Addons to make sure that the IDMcc Addon is installed and enabled!


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